Venue & Parking Information

Venue Maps
The majority of the conference will be held on the second floor of the GSE Building. Below is the 2nd Floor Plan for your reference. The main venues are highlighted in bold dark blue text on the map for easy identification.
You need to wear badges, and show them at security to get in. Conference registration and badge pickup is in room 263-264. If you are unable to locate a specific room during the conference, please feel free to ask any of our staff members for assistance.
Download Venue Maps (High Resolution) : Venue Maps.png
Parking Information
The university has several parking lots, one of them across the street from our venue. We also have street parking. Were you planning on staying at a hotel? If so, they may have parking.
The following link provides directions to navigate to Penn's visitor parking lots: 

If you would like to learn more about the parking policy and additional parking lot information, please click the link below 

24/7 Walking Escort Service
The University of Pennsylvania offers a 24/7 walking escort service to ensure your safety and peace of mind while on campus. For more information about this service, please visit the Public Safety website: 
If you need assistance, you can also contact: Office: 215-573-6670 Emergency: 215-573-3333/511
Your safety is our priority!
Conference Food and Beverage
The conference offers hot breakfast each morning, all-day coffee and snacks, and an evening reception with hors d'oeuvres. These food and beverage keep you energized and refreshed, while creating opportunities to connect with attendees in a relaxed atmosphere.
Looking to grab our keynote speaker's books? Visit THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA'S OFFICIAL BOOKSTORE! Registered attendees can enjoy a 20% discount on keynote speaker books and a 10% discount on all Penn Bookstore books.
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