CJ Pascoe

Department of Sociology
University of Oregon

CJ Pascoe is a sociologist whose work has significantly contributed to the understanding of gender, sexuality, and youth culture. Her award-winning book Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, offers profound insights into how young people navigate the intricate landscapes of gender and sexuality as well as how schools themselves can send homophobic and sexist messages to students. Dude received widespread acclaim for its nuanced analysis and its insights into the ways in which masculinity is constructed and performed within peer cultures. Throughout her career, Dr. Pascoe has remained actively involved in academic and advocacy communities, using her platform to promote social justice and equality. Dr. Pascoe's research has been featured in documentaries and media outlets such as Frontline, National Public Radio, New York Times , The Wall Street Journal, and Le Monde.
She has also worked with and advised various organizations such as The Born This Way Foundation, True Child, and The Gay/Straight Alliance Network to translate academic research into policy and programming for young people. Dr. Pascoe's goal is to help bridge the gap between academia and society, helping to create, what she calls in her newest book, Nice Is Not Enough: Inequality and the Limits of Kindness, "a politics of care," an approach to addressing social problems that puts humans and human needs at the center of institutions, organizations, and policy. Her work continues to influence scholars and activists alike, shaping conversations and policies aimed at creating more inclusive and equitable societies.
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